My GSoC Project – SaX3

Well, SaX off course needs no introduction for old time openSUSE and SUSE Users and certainly lots of people want it to be back on openSUSE. My proposal for Google Summer Of Code for SaX3 was selected and my mentor will be Michal Hrušecký. Now I will tell about the little interesting things on which I will be working on and some of the more interesting things later on at the end of the blog post.

SaX as most of on planet SUSE knows stands for SUSE Advanced X Configuration Tool, but for others lets say we want to have a Graphical Front End for Xorg.conf.d, so that we can easily configure our hardware too. The specific bits on which I will be focusing would be keyboard, mouse, touchpad and offcourse whats SaX without a good screen configuration tool like monitor, yes we will support that. One of the interesting features that SaX3 will support that it will have a graphical UI for ncurses mode even, so even if your X is not functioning, you dont need to remember a lot of command line commands.


Offcourse, a SaX without a proper monitor configuration is worthless and here is where I will need a lot of inputs from people at forums and other places. I am greatful for all those have  offered to help me from forums and everywhere else. I would take an oppurtunity to as to what platform will suit them, the forum itself, a Mailing list or through private channels or on IRC even where I can bug them a bit and make the best use of their experience SaX can work as expected.

Please post your views on your comment and I will get back to you soon.

5 thoughts on “My GSoC Project – SaX3

  1. Manu,

    You have picked a nice challenge, I wish you all the best… a lot of people are looking forward to it.

    Thanks for stepping forward for such a task.


  2. If you’ll create a OBS repo that also works with 11.4 (and not only Factory),I’ll be happy to check SaX3 out.


  3. A wonderful project appreciated by all users of openSUSE.

    I would like to over my time and services as “tester”.


  4. A wonderful project appreciated by all users of openSUSE.

    I would like to offer my time and services as “tester”.


  5. Manu,
    With the proliferation of touch screens, I would love to see touch screen setup, including calibration of corners, as a part of SaX3. For this aspect, I would suggest getting in touch with the wizard of tablets, Danny Kukawka, who maintains the TabletPCs Wiki page.


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